Friday, October 19, 2012

Archie Shepp in London

It had been years since I'd heard the powerful tenor sax of Archie Shepp, live!

The first time I saw Archie live was at The Ohio State University in the late 60's. My last sighting of this avant-garde icon was in London, at the 100 Club on Bond Street. That was 1987.

There are no words I can use that would describe the impression his live gigs leaves on the audience. Those familiar with Archie know what I mean.

As we talked briefly in the club's hallway during intermission, Archie was extremely cordial, and a his presence exuded serenity.

Click on the link below to check out one of my favorite Archie Shepp recordings, Hipnosis, from the album, A Sea of Faces, recorded live in Milan, Italy in 1975. Hipnosis was composed by trombonist, Grachan Moncur III. Featured on the date are: Archie Shepp(ts), Charles Greenlee(tr), Dave Burell(p), Cameron Brown(p), Beaver Harris(dr), and Bunny Foy(maracas).

Nnenna Freelon, Durham's gift to the world

In the old section  of Panama City, Panama, which is called either Casco Viejo or Casco Antiguo depending on who you ask, you'll find 17th century Spanish colonial architecture and cobblestone streets just adjacent to the Bay of Panama. The area, which has been undergoing a renaissance also features sidewalk cafes, shops, hostels, and all types of clubs.

While walking the winding streets of Casco one night I was directed to a club called Platea. I stopped in and, Bam! Pictures of Miles, Charlie Parker and other Jazz legends adorned every wall. A pleasant surprise. I had found a home. Unfortunately, I discovered they only have Jazz on Thursdays. Oh well, sometime you  take what you can get.

One of the things I'll take away from that first visit to Platea is a picture on one wall of five time

Thursday, October 18, 2012

West 64th Street Jazz presents the Swingin' Fox & Friends

The New York Society for Ethical Culture presents, my dear friend, renowned pianist Lenore Raphael, The Swingin Fox, & Friends, at Ceremonial Hall , in NYC, on November 16, 2012.

It will be an evening of great jazz. Joining Lenore will be, Harry Allen on tenor, and Phil Bowler on bass.

My friendship with Lenore began more than a decade ago when, as a new Jazz dj at 88.9fm (Shaw University), I was asked if  wanted to do a phone interview with a Jazz musician calling from New York.  I was in Raleigh, NC. The morning dj who was scheduled for the interview called in sick.

I jumped at the chance to do something new.

About eight years later I met Lenore at a concert,  and during intermission I approached the stage. I introduced myself and, before I could ask about the interview years before, she said, "I remember you. You interviewed me". We've been friends ever since. We did another interview in Durham, NC in 2010.

Lenore's latest CD, Loverly, is up for a Grammy nomination.

For more go to,