Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why this blog?

For a long time I've wanted to share Jazz stories with listeners to my show, The Evening Jazz Program at, and 90.7fm wncu. But, on-air time constraints prohibited this.

My wife encouraged me to blog, so here we go.

This blog is dedicated to those of us for whom Jazz is a thread running through our lives, past, present and future.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Free: Jazz Top Ten for 2009

Check out this site for the top 10 Jazz releases for 2009 according to Arts Journal(

Also, there is an interesting artical on the growing number of American Jazz Artists being produced in Europe rather than the US.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Panama City(Panama) Jazz Festival

Hey Jazz fans,

The 7th Annual Panama City Jazz Festival( will be celebrated in Panama City(not Florida), Panama from Jan 11 to 16, 2010. The festival is the brainchild of Panamanian pianist Danillo Perez and his foundation,

I will be blogging from the festival this year, if you got my email you'll get my take. This will be our third