Sunday, January 10, 2010

Close Encounters

Living in Cleveland in the mid 70's I heard that Keith Jarrett was performing at nearby Oberlin College, about an hour away.

I'd been a rabid fan since the first time I heard Jarrett on Charles Lloyd's Forest Flower in the late 60's. His playing reminded me of

Miles at the Smiling Dog

Miles did a 3 day gig at the Smiling Dog Saloon in Cleveland in the Mid 70's.

Expected or not, Miles walked off satge after about 20 minutes. He said that the audience should blame the club owners for whatever the problem was. Then, he proceeded to leave the place, walking right through

Schaefer Beer Jazz Concerts in Central Park

When I was in New York in the early 70's there were these Jazz concerts in Central Park sponsored by the beer comapny. Admission then was $2.00.


I remember seeing Herbie Mann, Miles and Eddie Harris in the park over the course of a couple years.


Albert Ayler and his group in front of Slugs

When I was in New York(1969/70) in my early twenties I was living the life. So I thought.

Sharing an apt on 3rd between Aves B & C, I was right in the middle of all the action for Jazz improve in the East Village.

I was working for the US Census, canvassing around East 125th and Park Ave. It was my habit to leave

Bobby Timmons/Raffiki

As I offcically became a teenager late in 1960, most of my exposure to Jazz come through my big brother, Dan.

Dan was cool, he had a Jazz collection of LP's. I would listen to stuff from Bobby Timmons and others.

One Timmons' album in particular had the pianist's full head shot on the cover. I looked at that album so much that