Sunday, January 10, 2010

Bobby Timmons/Raffiki

As I offcically became a teenager late in 1960, most of my exposure to Jazz come through my big brother, Dan.

Dan was cool, he had a Jazz collection of LP's. I would listen to stuff from Bobby Timmons and others.

One Timmons' album in particular had the pianist's full head shot on the cover. I looked at that album so much that
the image of his face was seered in my brain.

Fast forward to 1969/70, and it's winter in New York, cold as hell. I walking through the East Village, about to pass by a club & piano bar. I stopped.

The club, Raffiki was on 2nd Ave, I think. As I entered a trio was warming up on the stand.

I ordered something, and as the music began I looked up and realized that the pianist was the great Bobby Timmons.

I was awestruck then, and I still am whenever I recall that moment.

When was the first time you saw one of your Jazz heroes live?

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