Friday, October 19, 2012

Archie Shepp in London

It had been years since I'd heard the powerful tenor sax of Archie Shepp, live!

The first time I saw Archie live was at The Ohio State University in the late 60's. My last sighting of this avant-garde icon was in London, at the 100 Club on Bond Street. That was 1987.

There are no words I can use that would describe the impression his live gigs leaves on the audience. Those familiar with Archie know what I mean.

As we talked briefly in the club's hallway during intermission, Archie was extremely cordial, and a his presence exuded serenity.

Click on the link below to check out one of my favorite Archie Shepp recordings, Hipnosis, from the album, A Sea of Faces, recorded live in Milan, Italy in 1975. Hipnosis was composed by trombonist, Grachan Moncur III. Featured on the date are: Archie Shepp(ts), Charles Greenlee(tr), Dave Burell(p), Cameron Brown(p), Beaver Harris(dr), and Bunny Foy(maracas).

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