Friday, June 7, 2013

The Cedar Walton Trio at the Village Vanguard, and, Suddenly in Walked Roy

In the late sixties, when I was hanging out around Jazz clubs in lower Manhattan, I couldn't afford to go to the storied, and costly, Village Vanguard. Enjoying a live show at this Jazz shrine had been a life long dream. I finally get there a few years ago.

I went with my wife in 2008. The cover was still a bit pricey, but I was no longer a broke college student. Once we were comfortably shoe-horned into our seats, the great Cedar Walton, and his trio, began the set. Trumpeter, Roy Hargrove, was also on the bill. Hargrove and
Cedar Walton had been collaborating for several years. They have performed together many times at the Village Vanguard. 

And, when Roy Hargrove walked in, he did not disappoint. On this night, with the trio already in a groove, Hargrove took the stage and began weaving tales in traditional bebop style, which set the tone for the show. I wish I had taken notes.

Hargrove is a two-time Grammy Award Winner. His music stretches across Latin-Cuban, Neo-Electric, and Funk & Soul influences. But, he is rooted in the tradition of the great Lee Morgan, covering hits like "Cornbread", "The Sidewindwer", and "The Rumproller", with an updated, post bop style. 

The back and forth about weather Hargrove is trying to be the next Miles Davis may continue. I don't think its' possible for anyone to ascend to that mantle. But, since Roy Hargrove clearly does not shy away from new frontiers, you could say that he will become the next Roy Hargrove. Stay tuned. 

The Village Vanguard, itself, continues to be the international center of great, live Jazz for almost seventy years and counting. I can't wait to get back.

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